Page 122 - RACI
P. 122

13                                                           seleCtION gUIDe

                                                             Hdpe spacers

                                                                        Ring Modular element of the ring

    Double Ring                                            Socket joint                             Jacket pipe
    at each end

    cHOice Of eleMent HeigHt (H)                                                          O.db.        h
    project data to be considered:                                                                              O.d. I.d.
    • exact outside diameter of the main pipe including the                                joint
       protective coating O.d.

    • exact inner pipe diameter of casing pipe i.d.

    •	 exact outer diameter of the joint or flange O.db.

    the maximum height of the element to be adopted
    is given by the following comparison:

      [ O.d. main pipe ] + [ ]2 x H element’s height + [ tolerance 12 ÷15 mm ] < [ i.d. jacket pipe ]

    Whenever the main pipe has socket or flanged joints,
    consider a second factor, so as to allow the element to
    exceed the height of the coupling:

      [ O.d. main pipe ] + [ 2 x H element’s ]height > [ O.db. socket pipe + tolerance min. 20 mm]

    in this case the rings will be installed upstream and
    downstream of joint, at a distance not exceeding 30cm.

                                                             calculatiOn Of tHe nuMBer
                                                             Of eleMents fOr a crOssing

                                                             It is recommended to insert a double ring at the ends of
                                                             the pipe to avoid problems during inserting operations and
                                                             to duly distribute the overcharge.

                                                             the exact number of rings                 is then derived from the
                                                             following formula:

                                                                         tot = l / i + 3

                                                             the total number of elements              for a crossing is:
                                                                  tot = x
    Heavy duty applicatiOns
                                                                tot rings necessary
    For longer crossings ( >150 m) or very heavy pipes,      l crossing length
    it is possible to increase the frequency of the rings
    or to use special reinforced elements.                   i recommended spacing
                                                                     (see dedicated table of the selected element)
    the reinforced elements are designed with
    increased sacrificial thickness. However, for heavy              elements to make a ring
    applications or non-standard applications,                       (see specific table of the selected element)
    a more detailed analysis is required to consider
    the particular conditions of the construction site.
    In these cases, we recommend a consultation with
    RaCI for the necessary technical support.

    © RACI srl - ISO 9001 - Catalog ed 10/2016                                   - - Tel. +39 02 262.351
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